Ruptured ovarian cysts usually have a bad reputation. Is this reputation deserved or not? That is the question and this article will provide you with some valuable information on the subject. Hopefully, you will be able to put your mind at rest for a while if you have been stressing over the issue.
First and foremost, what you need to bear in mind is that the rupture of an ovarian cyst is not a rare thing. Far from it. In fact, it is a recurring complication but most women don't even realise it since they experience none or very little symptoms.
Now, as you may have heard before, in theory most ovarian cysts usually disappear without the need for medical treatment whatsoever but in practice so to speak, it is a very different thing. Indeed, if this was the case then millions of women throughout the world wouldn't be suffering and certainly wouldn't be wasting their precious time looking for the right cure.
So, where do we start?
Well, I suggest we have a thorough look at the possible damages associated with ruptured ovarian cysts.
You may already know that ruptured ovarian cysts occur when one or several cysts that would usually and normally disappear without the need for any form of treatment eventually breaks up and may lead to some unpleasant and possibly quite serious medical complications. We shall take a look at these complications later on but for the moment let's focus on the signs and symptoms.
So, what exactly are the signs and symptoms of ruptured ovarian cysts? Are they noticeable?
As far as the main symptoms of ruptured ovarian cysts are concerned, we mainly distinguish 2 signs that usually point towards this particular diagnosis and which should raise some concern and the alarm, which could drastically reduce the chances of very serious complications later on.
If you suddenly experience what can be described as severe pain, which is often a sharp or even piercing ache mainly located in or around your lower abdomen, this may well be the very first indication that a cyst has burst. I say "may" because it could be anything else but if you are aware that you are suffering from ovarian cysts, and then this alert should not be ignored. I suppose that you wouldn't ignore a sudden sharp pain anyway but in our case, a bursting cyst could well be the cause of the pain and should be investigated.
Another telling sign, which remains far more difficult to spot straight away than the one discussed above is the feeling of your abdomen having grown or become swollen or to be more precise distended. I know that this may be strange to imagine at first but your lower abdomen can become distended for many reasons and a burst cyst is once again cause for concern.
Now, women who suffer from ovarian cysts already know that a swollen abdomen is often one of the usual symptoms and won't necessarily mean that the lump has started to rupture. However, in the case of a ruptured ovarian cyst, this symptom is often accompanied by an uncommon sensitiveness as well as the weird sensation that something within you abdomen is definitely not right.
This is the sort of thing you should be looking for. Simply ask yourself whether you are experiencing the normal and usual pain and discomfort. Has something changed? You know yourself better than anyone so it is important that you listen to your inner self and identify noticeable changes within your body.
Ok, now that we have shed some light on what can be described as the main symptoms I suggest we look at what can usually be done to treat ruptured ovarian cysts.
Well, as you may already guess, the very first thing you should do if you suspect that one of your cyst has burst is rush to your nearest hospital without any delay in order to have it checked up and most importantly in order for the medical team to stabilize the condition before it gets worse.
This is a routine treatment that can prevent the cyst from deteriorating and causing more damage. You will have to take quite a few medical tests in order to assess the severity of the ruptured cyst. Some of these tests include checking your blood and urine as well as an ultrasound.
If the ruptured lump presents a potential danger for your nearby organs, surgery may be necessary but this option remains fortunately quite rare.
You may also be given a pregnancy test. Whilst this may sound strange at first, the explanation is that some women may not yet be aware of their pregnancy and if this pregnancy has unfortunately taken place within the fallopian tubes instead of the uterus, this can cause the cyst to rupture.
At this stage, I really don't want you to worry but these are roughly the usual medical examinations carried out straight away in order to make the right diagnosis.
Now, as far as treatments for ruptured ovarian cysts are concerned, the most common remains a course of antibiotics in order to prevent an infection that could lead to some much more serious problems such as blood poisoning for instance. It is very important to understand that acting fast is the best thing you can do and although many women don't know that they suffer from ovarian cysts simply because they experience no symptoms, yearly check-ups with your gynaecologist is an absolute must.
Many things have been said about treating and curing ovarian cysts and some tips, recipes and advice can clearly help. However, tips and quick fix remedies are not enough to stop these lumps from growing and making your life hell. So far, the medical profession has more or less neglected this area since ovarian cysts usually aren't life threatening and I truly believe that this is a mistake.
Surgery or hormonal therapies are the two most common options available these days to allegedly treat the condition. You may already know that they only work short-term and that if you don't treat the root causes of the issue, they will grow back.
So, what is the best solution and what can be done to do away with these nasty lumps for good?
Well, first of all I really believe that it is important to educate yourself and find as much information as possible on the subject.
The treatment you need to choose must match the kind of cyst you have. It is in fact very simple and yet many people assume that they are all the same. Wrong. They respond differently to the treatments given and this is why you first need to find out more about the different kind of cysts.
Finally, prevention remains the most effective remedy there is. Prevention is and has always been neglected by most people and yet some women have found out chemical free treatments and cures which have stopped their cysts from developing and therefore avoided all the potentially dangerous complications associated with the condition.
If ovarian cysts are making your life miserable and you want to get rid of them then you must take action TODAY. There is a Free E-BOOK available for download that will teach you how more about Ovarian Cysts whatever the type and the size. Alternatively, you can also visit for more useful tips and information.
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