When you want to find out whether or not you are pregnant, it is advisable to take the answer pregnancy test to know where you stand. Not only is this test accurate, but it is also very easy to use and gives immediate results. You can take this test in the comfort of your home, without the hassle of involving a second party or worse yet, a total stranger. Taking this test will put you in a good position to decide on your next course of action.
The answer pregnancy test comes in several varieties. The best time to take a pregnancy test is on the day of your first missed period. However, you may still want to have an idea before this. You have the option of the Answer Quick or Simple One-Step varieties that can be used up to three days before a missed period with a significant level of accuracy. However, a false positive result is a possibility. This is where the test gives a positive result when you are in fact, not pregnant. It is important that you confirm the results by repeating the test once you have officially missed your period.
The answer pregnancy test is designed to measure the amount of hCG levels in your urine. This is a hormone that the body produces once conception occurs and the embryo has been implanted. The hormone is present both in the urine and the blood, but it is much easier to test the urine. A blood test will demand that your blood is taken to a lab and a doctor must be involved. To ensure accuracy, take the test in the morning when passing the first urine.
A test wand is held in the urine stream or dipped in a cup of your urine for about 5 seconds. The wand is then held flat for two minutes. Either one or two pink lines will appear on the wand. If one pink line appears, then your result is negative - you are not pregnant. Two pink lines indicate that you are pregnant. An absence of either one or two lines indicates that the test did not work and a repeat must be done. The answer pregnancy test is affordable, so this will not cost you much.
In case of a negative result, you are advised to wait a few days before taking the test a second time. The reason for a negative result may be that your hCG levels are low and cannot yet be detected. Alternatively, it could be as a result of the embryo taking a bit longer than expected to implant.
A positive result will mean that you are pregnant, but a repetition of the test will confirm this before going to see your doctor. When suspecting pregnancy, you do not want to waste a lot of time and energy making trips to the doctor, especially for false alarms. The answer pregnancy test will not only save you this time and energy, but a lot of money as well.