
Thursday, June 30, 2011

Yeast Intolerance - Are You Infected?

Intolerance to yeast happens when the yeast normally seen in our digestive system begins to grow out of control. Usually the amount of yeast found in our bodies are kept in check by the good bacteria in our intestines. If these beneficial bacteria are killed off, through diet or sickness, yeast can begin to overgrow leading to a wide array of symptoms and health problems.

This type of condition is often known as a yeast infection. It occurs when candida, a type of yeast like fungi, grows excessively and leads to infections (usually seen in moist places of the body like the mouth, digestive system or vagina.).

This can lead to someone who's suffering from a yeast intolerance to have such symptoms as bloating, abdominal pain, itchiness, gas, headaches, constipation, diarrhea, mouth sores, coated or furry tongue, soreness and if left unchecked more severe symptoms such as autoinmune diseases.

One of the reasons of an intolerance to yeast are antibiotics. Sometimes when someone is ill and uses medicine to kill off infection it can also destroy the good bacteria that help to control the amount of yeast in our intestines. This can lead to candida excess which in turn leads to further infection.

Another main reason of an intolerance to yeast is bad nutrition. When one doesn't have the nutrients essential one needs there immune system becomes weakened. A diet that is full of sugar is one of the main sources of yeast infection. The reason for this being is that yeast lives on sugar, it's actually its primary food source. The more sugar there is in one's diet the more candida can feed and overpopulate.

Other items to avoid if you think you may be intolerant to yeast include bready foods, fermented foods like alcohol, and moldy foods like cheeses.

Some of the ways one can treat yeast intolerance symptoms include the use of medication. For instance, Nyastin is a anti fungal drug a physician may give someone in order to eliminate the yeast overgrowth in one's body.

Proper diet is another excellent treatment in ridding yeast overgrowth. Using a candida free diet that eliminates the above mentioned food will help to kill off the yeast overgrowth leading to a great deal of yeast die off and better health. This process normally takes between 3 to 6 weeks. Just know that the first couple of weeks you may feel worse due to the release of toxins into your bloodstream from the dying yeast. Don't worry once these toxins have been released from your body you'll feel like new.

Yeast infection can really take the joy out of life. It can be horrible and somewhat painful at times. By doing a few of the aforementioned steps you'll be on the path to a better life in only a short time.

One last piece of advice.. You need to visit a physician before starting any type of treatment for yeast intolerance. They'll be able to get you on a path that makes sense for you!

Best of luck and here's to a healthier tomorrow!

Erik Parsons is a candida free diet expert whose has been changing people's lives for decades. For more information on yeast intolerance symptoms and Erik's complete "Eliminate Yeast While Rejuvenating and Revitalizing My Life In 7 Days Or Less" FREE mini-course visit

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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Candida, Thrush Infections - Understanding the Issues and Treating the Problem

Candida albicans is the scientific name for a type of Fungi which typically lives harmoniously in balance with our other external and internal flora necessary for our continued good health. In a healthy body the Candida albicans population is regulated by the symbiotic relationship between the extensive communities of different bacterial flora and does not pose a threat. However, Candida albicans is known as an opportunistic pathogen, that is to say, under normal circumstances the fungus will not show intrinsic pathogenic behaviour but, if the right conditions are met then the fungus will find itself propagating beyond the parameters of our healthy wellbeing and begin causing general or localised symptoms typical of a common yeast infection.

Factors contributing to a favourable environment inside the host in order for Candida to grow pathogenically and display hostile behaviour are many and varied depending on the person, but generally in a healthy individual the simplified explanation comes down to either stress on the immune system or a direct change in body chemistry resulting from psychological, physiological or dietary causes. Therefore, it is safe to say generally most yeast infections begin as the result of an internal imbalance.

Some typical causes of a yeast infection are:

Antibiotic useCorticosteroid useAnti-cancer drugsDiabetesHigh sugar dietOral Contraceptive drugs

There are two broad categories of Candida infection:

1. Systemic

This is where the infection becomes mobile inside the host causing a collection of debilitating and painful symptoms of sometimes seemingly unrelated origin. It is by far the more serious condition of the two, especially if the infection is chronic.

2. Localized

This is typified by skin irritations, eruptions and swelling of localized areas of skin sometimes associated with a discharge. Commonly affected areas are vagina, penis, groin, mouth or within any skin folds which provide warm moist conditions.

Treating systemic candidiasis, like many chronic conditions, can be difficult since there could be many factors contributing to the infection. This is precisely where we see the downfall of OTC or prescription medication. Pharmaceuticals will generally only focus on eliminating the symptoms without addressing the root of the problem especially when an internal condition such as systemic candidiasis has an external symptom, like a rash. The prescribed cream or lotion will nicely suppress the rash thus alleviating the discomfort but does nothing for the cause of the rash. So very often when pharmaceuticals are used to combat yeast or thrush infections we see the condition apparently appear to resolve itself only to relapse worse, a short time later, primarily because the root of the candidiasis was never addressed to begin with.

This type of scenario is very common and leaves many suffers in desperation, frustrated that they continue to have recurring infections. The reality is however, it may actually be the same infection all along which was never cured from the beginning!

Some quick actionable steps anyone can take immediately to help the body fight a candida infection would be firstly to avoid the (over)use of antibiotics or using them at all if possible, eliminating high-sugar foods from the diet and then looking for a diet plan which will assist the body in a path to recovery.

Much of the research into yeast and fungal infections in recent years all point toward adopting a well designed candida diet plan as the best and most successful way to holistically cure anyone suffering from candidiasis.

If you are at all unsure of the diagnosis of the symptoms you have it is always best to have them looked at by a professional first before you seek alternative therapy. Once you have clarity about what you're dealing with then you can find the holistic natural cure best for you.

At Candida Solutions our mission is to provide an informative educational resource. Our goal is to provide information so individuals can make informed choices and know what alternatives are available other than simply using pharmaceutical drugs. We provide an in depth look at Yeast Infections and how to cure them quickly and holistically using safe and natural ingredients.

For more information and in depth advice on this topic can be found at

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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Useful Tips for a Successful Weight Loss Diet Plan

When it comes to dieting, you initiate this task with a carefully designed diet plan and then start loosing weight. But before starting the journey towards weight loss you ought to devise a plan that is well structured and that must take you towards the desired goal of ideal weight. There are several tips and strategies that you can follow to achieve this goal.

You must be well aware of the duration of your diet plan, as well as monthly and weekly workout details. A simple breakdown of the workouts that you intend to do in relation to the amount of weight that you desire to loose will be a wise way to follow up your diet plan. This clarification will also make you able to keep track of your progress as well as remain focused upon your goal. Merely deciding to shed some kilos and then jumping in a diet plan or exercise routine does not make much sense. Also, it is important to realize the worth of setting realistic goals and not aiming high. You need to remain active but do not become intolerant.

Selection of a diet plan is also very important. You must make choice keeping in view of your lifestyle and health concerns. If you are going for a diet plan that involves a lot of cooking and preparation of food, you might not be able to fulfill it if you already have a tough routine. So, such types of diet plan only work provided you have a lot of free time. If you already have to take care of several other issues and there is a lot of work load as well, then such diet plans will only add to your worries and you may have to quit them in the midst.

Also, these diet plans actually proves out to be a stressor. The same logic applies to exercise routine as well. If you are unable to take an hour out for walking, but you can spare 10 minutes a day for walking, then, do feel comfortable to follow this. As, according to an estimate 10 minutes daily means 1800 hours per year. So, you must clearly lay out what is possible for you and what is out of your reach and potential.

You need to be flexible and realistic, there will be times when you will become unable to fulfill your goal, however, stay motivated and do not loose hope. Now, do understand that you are going on a difficult journey. The way to lose weight is not an easy pathway. However, there are always solutions to the hurdles that you may possibly face along the way. It will be a good option if you involve your family and friends in this plan as well. You must always eat three meals, daily. Skipping meals is not a solution and it actually harms your health and makes the pace of weight loss unhealthy. Now, in each meal you must be consuming 400 calories. Do not skip your breakfast at all! Having only 400 calories per meal, means that, you still retain the space for light snacking. Now following these simple tips you will become able to reach to your goal of nice and healthy weight loss.

Find complete details and tips about 3 Day Diet. Simply pay a visit to their website which is as follows: 3 Day Diet Plan

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Monday, June 27, 2011

Menopause Supplements For Weight Gain

More Than Weight Control

Weight gain is one of the primary symptoms menopausal women experience. Other common complaints include: hot flashes, mood swings, cramps, forgetfulness and irritability. In fact, around 75 percent of women have health concerns related to menopause. Weight gain affects 90 percent of menopausal women, although some gain more than others.

Root Cause

A woman enters menopause after her period stops for a whole year. All the symptoms are actually peri-menopausal symptoms. Perimenopause refers to the period leading up to the end of menstruation - menopause. This period can last up to ten years.

During the perimenopausal period, women's bodies gradually produce less estrogen. Over a long time, the low levels of estrogen start to cause physical and emotional changes. Weight gain is caused by extra production of fat tissue, another supply of estrogen for the body, to compensate for the low levels of estrogen.

Another usual cause is that as people get older, the metabolism slows down. Human body's ability to burn calories drops with aging. As a result, more fat is accumulated.

Women's gained weight always shows around the waist, whereas men usually gain a beer gut - belly fat. Some women have also reported increased breast sizes.

Risks Linked To It

Gaining excessive weight affects women's health more than they normally think.

Accumulated body fat can cause heart disease, high blood pressure, kidney problems and breast cancer. Shockingly, a weight gain of 20 pounds in menopause can increase the chances of breast cancer by 20 percent.

Emotionally, excessive weight can damage women's self-esteem and make some menopausal conditions even worse, such as anxiety and depression.

Keeping Weight Under Control

There are simple measures to keep weight under control: healthy diet, good exercise and reliable menopause supplements for weight gain.

1. Eat a healthy and balanced diet. Women with weight problems should ditch foods that are processed or contain excessive fats.

2. Exercise regularly. Exercise can be extremely beneficial to menopausal women. Moderate exercise is good enough for weight control in menopause. Studies show that quality and duration of life can be improved by moderate exercise of one hour per time at 5 times a week.

3. Take a reliable menopause supplement. Menopause supplements for weight gain can be very helpful in restoring hormonal balance and alleviating symptoms, without causing harsh side effects.

Why Menopause Supplements For Weight Gain Can Benefit Women

Menopause supplements usually contain herbs that combat menopausal symptoms. Herbs of interest include Red clover, Dong quai, Black cohosh and Wild yam. These ingredients have their own roles in tackling the symptoms.

Red clover contains phytoestrogens (plant estrogens), which are compounds similar to the female hormone estrogen. It is used to relieve menopausal symptoms, breast pain during menstrual cycles, osteoporosis and vaginal dryness.

Dong quai has been used for thousands of years to treat women's health concerns such as loss of libido, cramps, hot flashes and PMS.

Black cohosh has beneficial effects on irritability, mood swings and sleep problems. A study of 60 women under 40 years old who had hysterectomy showed positive results. In all groups, treatment with black cohosh helped these women that were suffering from abrupt menopause symptoms.

Wild yam is known to regulate the female symptoms and ease menstrual cramps.

Reliable menopause supplements for weight gain not only can keep weight under control, but can also alleviate other symptoms.

For more information about natural supplements for menopause, please visit my web site today.

Ruolan is an advocate and researcher on the benefits of all natural supplements for menopausal symptoms. Visit her website to learn well-researched facts and her honest reviews on menopause supplements on the market.

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Sunday, June 26, 2011

Is Taking Multivitamins Safe for Breastfeeding Moms?

It is important for a new mom to get all the nutrients that she can get because these same nutrients would ultimately be fed to her infant as well. If you are a breastfeeding mother, you could find yourself asking whether vitamins are safe to use. This is a wise question especially when your infant's nutritional intake and immune factor depends heavily on your health too.

Asking your doctor about the multivitamins that you are going to consume is a wise move. Although OB-GYNs would usually advise new moms to continue with their prenatal vitamins the entire duration that she is breastfeeding. This will provide the essential nutrients for you to maintain good health and your baby as well. Especially when dietary sources are marginal, a multivitamin and mineral supplement would most likely be advised. In the book Nutrition During Lactation a woman who has a reasonably balanced diet doesn't really require vitamin supplements when lactating. A good and balanced diet would be enough not to give routine supplements, just as long as you are consuming within the Recommended Intake (RI).

When you have health problems and deficiencies prior to your pregnancy it is important that you continue you're prescribed prenatal vitamins. But it would also be wise to ask your doctor and have yourself checked on whether you still need to get added supplements. Having excess amounts in your system can also be dangerous for the baby. That is why you have to be cautious, avoid taking prenatal vitamins with multivitamins and not just pop vitamins just because you think they can make you healthy.

Water soluble vitamins such as vitamin C will only reach certain levels and then steadies even if you increase doses. Whereas fat soluble vitamins like Vitamin A and E concentrates on human milk and could be harmful to the baby if it reaches excessive amounts.

When you are lactating it is important that you have adequate amounts of Iron, protein, calcium and Vitamin D. These are important to give your baby a good foundation health wise.

For vegetarian mothers or those who are at risk for vitamin B12 deficiency, she would need such supplements and fortified foods. For moms who don't have that much exposure to sunlight, vitamin D supplements and foods rich in these would be advisable. Iodine on the other hand would be beneficial for mothers who are cigarette smokers.

Knowing your options can help you in providing the best nutrition for your baby. The best vitamins can only work when you take it with precaution. Remember your body chemistry and nutritional needs hangs on a delicate balance for the sake of your baby.

Cynthia Wang-Tan is a nurse journalist who has seen the need to get people well informed on the multivitamins and supplements that they are taking on a daily basis. She believes that when people are given with facts about the importance, risks and benefits of these supplements they are placed at a position to make right decisions about their health. As consumers people have the right to know if they are taking potential health threats or the best alternative product.

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Saturday, June 25, 2011

How I Beat the Baby Blues

When Karen was born, Steve and I were elated. Karen was our first girl born after three boys. In my 6th month of pregnancy we started to prepare for our "Little Princess" Karen's room was painted pink; we bought frilly dresses and socks and replaced all our "used" baby items such as the highchair and crib.

After Karen was born, I was in heaven dressing up my "Little Princess" and taking her out to show her off. But all that lasted for two months. Then the depression set in...

Everything stopped being fun. I started to worry excessively about Karen. Karen's three brothers were jealous of all her special attention and started acting up. Karen was a fussy baby and didn't sleep well at night. And I hadn't lost even one pound since Karen was born (I actually gained).

I was becoming a real wreck! I guess it was a mixture of the lack of sleep and the hormones that were acting up. Luckily, my husband is a real angel and picked up a lot of the slack on what I wasn't doing. Steve did all the laundry. He managed to throw together meals (lucky my boys all like peanut butter sandwiches.) We lined up a babysitter to come stay with the boys between school and Steve's return from work, but I wouldn't let her ever change or hold Karen.

Steve knew that I needed professional help but I wouldn't agree to leave Karen in order to meet with a therapist. So Steve went to meet with the therapist. Through Dr. Gelber, Steve quickly understood what my problem was. The build up to Karen, our "Princess", had been too great and when everything didn't work out perfect (the boys reactions, Karen's all night crying and my excessive weight), I couldn't handle the situation.

He understood that the important thing was to give me back my feeling of my worth. I had always been a very active person and now Karen was my whole life now. I needed my identity back.

Steve and Dr. Gelber decided that I needed to start exercising, but how? I wouldn't leave Karen with anyone so when would I have time to myself for myself to exercise? I had always like jogging. I had to stop when I was 4 months pregnant.

Then Steve had a great idea. Without even consulting with me, Steve went out and bought a jogging stroller (he bought a Joovy Zoom 360 - I think he just "grabbed" the first stroller he saw, but it turned out to be perfect). At first I refused to look at it but Steve was determined and sneaky. First he dressed up Karen, sat her in the stroller and started taking pictures. I couldn't resist. I just had to go out with her and show her and her stroller off. Then he started sending me on errands with Karen in her new stroller. Each day the errands got further and further until I found myself trotting with Karen in her stroller.

The story has a very happy ending. Slowly our daily "trots" turned into "daily jogs." I started to shed those extra pounds and feel better about myself. Karen started to sleep through the night - Maybe that's just because she was getting older but I think it was all that fresh air. The daily exercise gave me more energy. I even started to have more energy and patience for our boys so they no longer felt neglected and they returned to their sweet selves.

I am forever grateful to that jogging stroller and how it saved our family from a possible disastrous post partum depression, but most of all I am grateful to Steve who identified the problem and didn't give up till he had a solution that worked.

See the "Wonder Stroller" that helped me "Beat the Baby Blues" by clicking on Joovy Zoom 360.

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When To Take Pregnancy Test by Justin Foss

Ofcourse there is obvious pregnancy test but when should you take that test or when to decide that its time to go to doctor ? well here are some symptoms on which you an decide to take pregnancy test-

1) Cramp or a minor bleed

A tiny amount of bleeding or even spotting is observed in the stages prior to the pregnancy. This period is say at about ten to fourteen days after the fertilization. This bleeding is also well known as the implantation bleeding. Implantation bleeding occurs when the fertilized egg attaches itself to the inner lining of uterus. This kind of bleeding is observed in the early stages. The bleeding is light in color than that of the regular periods. The bleeding does not last for a long period. Also, the bleeding is spottier.

Pregnant women are also prone to experience a feeling of cramp at an early stage in pregnancy. During this time the uterus enlarges. Cramps similar to those of the menstrual ones are experienced.

2) Queasiness without or with vomiting

Morning sickness is one of the telltale signs of early pregnancy. Most women feel some sickness around four to eight weeks of pregnancy, but the queasiness can begin as early as two weeks after conception.

The very telltale sign of pregnancy is the sickness experienced in the mornings. In the first 4 to 8 weeks of the pregnancy some kind of weakness is observed. The nausea can start in the early two weeks of pregnancy. This is immediately after the conception itself.

Vomiting and Nausea which is called as the morning sickness can occur in the other parts of the day as well. This brings a feeling of the stomach to be empty. The basis for the vomiting and the nausea is the rapid increase in the estrogen levels, which are manufactured by the fetus and the placenta. Such abnormal levels in the flow of the estrogen levels contribute to the emptiness of the stomach very slowly. This could be the reason for the cause of the vomiting and nausea. There also exists an increase in the sensation of smell. This can include a variety of odors such as the cooking foods, cigarette smoke or perfume itself. Such sensations also can trigger vomiting and nausea.

The two main major factors leading to the conclusive signs of pregnancy have been discussed.

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Friday, June 24, 2011

Tips For Delaying Menopause Symptoms

Menopause is an inevitable phase of a woman's lifecycle, a period where they undergo a sea of emotional as well as physical changes. This phase signifies the end of the fertility period as hormonal changes cause the ovaries to discontinue producing eggs due to which menstruation ceases. The average women experiences menopause after crossing the age of 50 but it isn't uncommon to see women aged between 35-40 years suffering from menopause symptoms.

No woman looks forward to menopause because it is period where you experience tremendous mood swings, anxiety, irritability, loss in sex drive and host of other problems. Additionally, following menopause, a female loses her reproductive ability which means that she can no longer have children. This is the reason why most women hope that menopause occurs to them as late as possible. And though you can't prevent menopause, it is very much possible to delay the symptoms provided that you incorporate a few lifestyle changes. In this article, we give you tips for delaying menopause symptoms.

Avoid smoking as smoking women are more susceptible to an early menopause. It has been found that women who smoke more than 10 cigarettes a day are 40 percent are more likely to get an early menopause than non smokers. Studies reveal that nicotine acts on the central nervous system and causes it to secrete hormones that are involved with menopause. So if you are a smoker, then it is about to time to kick the butt.

The second tip is to follow a balanced diet. Menopause is most likely to occur when the estrogen levels in the body drop drastically, so in order to prevent this from happening, eat foods that boost estrogen levels. In this regard, foods such as soy and whole grains can help as they are rich in estrogen while herbs such as dong quai and black kohosh too have been known to postpone menopause symptoms.

One other way to boost estrogen levels is by taking Vitamin E supplements. Vitamin E is an antioxidant that acts as estrogen substitute and supplements of these can boost estrogen levels. However consult with your doctor before taking these so that you are saved the side effect risks.

Lead an active lifestyle. It is important that you exercise everyday as regular exercise keeps the blood flowing and plus boosts the body's hormone production naturally. This can go a long way in delaying menopause.

However a word of note here, all of these methods may help you to delay menopause but ultimately you will have to face the symptoms. So be headstrong and think of it as a passing phase that occurs just once and you will surely be able to get over it.

The author says that menopause symptoms are an inevitable part of every woman's lifecycle but you shouldn't be dreading it. It will occur only once and if you are strong and determined, it is very much possible to enjoy life even during the menopause period.

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Treatment Options For A Vaginal Yeast Infection: What Works The Best?

Because vaginal yeast infections are incredibly frustrating to deal with, women want to be cured of it as soon as possible. Vaginal itching and burning are common symptoms, in addition discharge and a foul smell. As you can tell, no woman wants to experience this infection for long. Unfortunately, there is no one cure at the moment that will work for everyone. Before going over treatment options that may work for you, it's important to understand the nature of vaginal yeast infections.

The candida fungus is what causes vaginal yeast infections. Because this condition is prevalent, women really should feel ashamed or embarrassed if they have it. Antibiotics, consuming a poor diet, wearing certain clothing, chemicals, hormones, and sexual transmission are some of the most common causes. The second you begin to notice anything unusual that even remotely resembles an infection, get checked out immediately.

So once you understand the symptoms and causes, then it's a matter of figuring out how to treat it. Doctors will normally recommend antifungal medicines, though yeast infections can be treated in a number of ways. These medicines are applied to the vagina directly, so they tend to to bring results within a short period of time. While medication is sometimes enough to treatment the condition successfully, more treatment may be needed in more severe cases.

Yeast infections can also be treated with home remedies. Many consider them to be better options overall than some medications because they don't have side effects. A healthy diet is a natural way to improve the condition and prevent it from happening again in the future. Legumes, fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts, and drinking plenty of water should be a part of your diet. Exercising regularly along with a proper diet can boost the immune system that will fight off infections. While these can be fairly big lifestyle changes for some, it's really the most inexpensive and healthiest ways to treat an infection.

Yeast infections and STD's are often confused for one another primarily because they both have similar symptoms. This can become a problem because some women might just think they have an infection, when in fact they have an STD. To be on the safe side, getting diagnosed by a medical expert is advised so you can be sure of the condition you have. The earlier you get checked out, the easier it will be to treat the condition successfully.

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Thursday, June 23, 2011

Pregnancy Myths - Family

You probably thought that once you were pregnant and did not have to worry about how to get pregnant, you could relax and enjoy your pregnancy but alas, it's not meant to be. You have your mother, in-laws, aunts and even cousins telling you absurd things about your pregnancy. Do not worry about what everyone's telling you because most of what everyone is telling you is not true, there are some major myths floating around this topic. Let's bust them one by one:

- Morning sickness - There are probably more myths about this one phenomenon than anything else. Some say having morning sickness means you are having a boy; the fact is that morning sickness cannot indicate the sex of your child. Morning sickness is a normal phenomenon, if you are worried about getting morning sickness consult your doctor, do not rely on hearsay. Some people say having morning sickness means that the child is not getting enough nutrition. The fact is if you are eating healthy and were healthy prior to getting pregnant your baby will get enough nutrition. If you suffer from severe morning sickness, serious weight loss or dehydration, consult the doctor.

- Sex during Pregnancy - Most women think or are made to believe that having sex during pregnancy can harm the baby in the womb. The fact is that it is not always true, if you have a low risk pregnancy you can have sex without worrying about it. If you have a high risk pregnancy or have a history of labor before term then again it is a different story. In case your doctor tells you that you have a high risk pregnancy, ask him or her all the possible questions that come to your mind, that way you can have some sound advice and relax.

- Movement Restriction - This is probably one of the most popular myths about pregnancy that one should just sit or lie in one place and move as little as possible during pregnancy. Though you do need to be careful during pregnancy you do not have to worry about minor bumps, exercising or even lifting. Your baby is well protected in your womb so you do not have to worry about it being harmed by small bumps that you may have but if you begin bleeding or have cramps do go to a doctor. You may lift things as well as long as they are not very heavy or feel a strain while lifting. If you exercise on a regular basis you do not have to stop exercising completely just because you are pregnant especially running or jogging. Exercising helps built stamina and keeps you healthy, fit and better prepared for labor.

Now that you do not have to worry about how to get pregnant, enjoy the life growing inside you and drop all worries. Ignore the myths about pregnancy and stick to your doctor's advice. The happier you are the better it is for your child. A pregnant must remember to have a balanced nutritious diet, eat on time and have vitamin and folic acid supplements.

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Menopause and Black Cohosh Benefits

Black Cohosh (also called Cimicifuga, black snakeroot, and rattle root among others) is closely related to the buttercup and is an herb with a long history of use in traditional medicine. This natural supplement has been used as a homeopathic remedy for pains in the muscles and joints because it of its properties as a natural anti-inflammatory. Additionally black cohosh benefits many people with circulatory issues as well as arthritis, rheumatism and high cholesterol. However, recently it has been gaining increased popularity for its ability to lessen or relieve many symptoms of menopause.

Studies conducted in Germany have indicated that this natural herb contains phyto-estrogenic properties which act similar to estrogen in the body. These have been proven to help restore natural hormonal balance. Because of its estrogen mimicking effects some women are choosing to use this herb as a homeopathic alternative to traditional hormone replacement therapies used for the treatment of menopause and other conditions caused by decreased estrogen.

The reason so many women prefer to use natural remedies, such as black cohosh, red clover and niacin to help relieve the symptoms and discomforts of menopause is because they offer very little side effects, compared to the side effects that are associated with hormone therapy treatments.

For menopausal and pre-menopausal women, black cohosh benefits are well documented as being helpful for symptoms such as changes in cycle, mood problems, night sweats, insomnia, vaginal dryness, weight, etc. According to a brief study of less than six months it was determined that this great herb actually does not help to relieve hot flashes, however some women swear by it and researchers are still looking into the possibility.

This unique supplement is not to be confused with blue cohosh or white cohosh as these species have different effects and if used incorrectly can be toxic.

* Please remember that you should always talk to your doctor or pharmacist before taking any supplements. If you have plant related allergies, a medical condition, or if you are taking other medicines or herbal/health supplements. this natural supplement is not generally recommended for people who have had a reaction to aspirin as they may experience breathing difficulties. Pregnant women should avoid this herb unless they are otherwise advised by their healthcare provider, and they should only use as directed. Black cohosh, like other supplements when consumed in excessive amounts could cause dizziness, diarrhoea, vomiting, and tremors and could affect heart rate.

Richard is an expert in black cohosh bnefits. For more information on natural supplements, that help to relieve the symptoms of menopause, please visit a hot flushes and night sweats.

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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Bacterial Vaginal Infection - Stop BV Now!

Bacterial vaginal infection or commonly called Bacterial Vaginosis (BV) is usually caught by women in their child-bearing age. The most common signs that appear are grayish/ whitish heavy vaginal discharge and unpleasant vaginal odor.

Though the precise cause of this bacterial vaginal infection is not understood, medical experts found that this condition is the result of an imbalance in the bacteria that are naturally found in a woman's vagina. In normal condition "good" bacteria of the vaginal system can control the growth of "bad" bacteria. The infection appears when there is a change in the natural balance that causes the increase of the harmful bacteria.

How do you get bacterial vaginal infection?

There is no explanation on why women get bacterial vaginosis. There is no evidence that women can get the infection from public toilet seats, bedding or by touching objects. Some study found that women who have multiple sex partners or new partner in bed are susceptible of developing BV and those who never have had sexual intercourse are rarely infected.

What are the symptoms of bacterial vaginal infection?

1.Common signs of BV are abnormal vaginal discharge with fishy odor. The odor can become stronger after sex intercourse. The vaginal discharge is usually gray or white.

2.In some cases, women can experience itching and burning around the vaginal area especially after urinating

How is bacterial vaginal infection diagnosed?

Get an appointment with your doctor to examine your condition. Laboratory tests on sample of vaginal tissue and discharge will determine the type of infection

Who is at risk of BV?

Some factors can disturb the natural balance of bacteria in the vagina and can cause women at risk. The habits and activities are as follows:

1.Having sex intercourse with a new partner or multiple partners

2.Douching, using feminine sprays or washing with perfumed soap

3.Using IUD (intrauterine device) for contraception.

Bacterial vaginal infection should not be left untreated to avoid complication because it can increase the susceptibility in having other sexual transmitted diseases (STD) such as chlamydia, trichomoniasis and gonorrhea. Treatment is very important for pregnant women as it can cause pre-term delivery or low birth baby weight.

What is the treatment for bacterial vaginal infection?

BV can be treated with antibiotics prescribed by gynecologist such as metronidazole and clindamycin. Antibiotics can kill the bacteria including "good" bacteria. When this situation occurs, BV can reappear and antibiotics medicines must be re-administered.

How can bacterial vaginal infection be prevented?

Here are some important steps to help you stay away from BV:

1.Have safe sex. Use condoms; it is better to take precaution especially if you have new sex partner.

2.Avoid douching and use mild and unscented soap to wash your private part

3.Avoid using antibiotics medicines as they can cause BV to re-occur.

Is there other way in curing bacterial vaginal infection?

Natural approach is the best way to treat BV because it is safe and effective in treating BV. Natural treatments can prevent the occurring of bacterial vaginosis. For example, take two cups of plain yogurt to help restoring the natural bacterial balance. This treatment should be continued for at least 7 days. Other natural treatments that have been proven effective include detoxifying the body by using cranberry juice. This juice works wonders in detoxifying the body. Just by drinking cranberry juice regularly you can reduce many vaginal infections.

Many home cures for BV can help to relief bacterial vaginal infection. Actually BV can be treated naturally at the comfort of your home by following methods that can stop the underlying cause. Bacterial vaginosis is generally related to the hormonal imbalance, diet and lifestyle and therefore it is important to understand and apply good habit and nutrient to get rid of BV. To get rid of BV fast and effectively, follow the steps at:

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Insomnia - Pregnancy, Babies, Teenagers and Beyond - Family ...

Insomnia in Pregnancy
Even for women who don't normally suffer from insomnia, pregnancy may change all that as it is quite common and as a mum to be it's probably in the top ten list of things to be worried about when becoming pregnant.
The certainty is that there will be hormonal changes going on and the major players are oestrogen and progesterone.

In the first trimester there is a rush of progesterone coursing through the body, which has a sedative effect. That's the good news. The bad news is that it relaxes the muscles in the wall of the bladder, leading to many more trips to the bathroom, interrupting the much-needed sleep.
A lot of women suffer from excessive fatigue during the day and have a tendency to sleep more, although this sleep is not as beneficial as slow wave or deep sleep.

In the second trimester there is still an increase of progesterone, but it's rate of increase has decreased and mothers to be, generally report better night-time sleeping, having more energy during the waking hours and visit the bathroom less often. That's the good news. The bad news is that many women start snoring and during this period are more likely to develop sleep apnea as well as high blood pressure. This is due to the increased presence of oestrogen affecting the blood vessels causing air passages to get blocked.

In the third trimester we'll cut straight to the chase because there isn't really any good news - not when it comes to sleeping anyway. Progesterone levels are at their peak and sleep disturbances during the night come in all sorts of guises. Leg cramps, congestion, heartburn, many bathroom trips, breast tenderness, shortness of breath, uterine contractions and that's apart from the baby trying to batter his way out.

So overall, in the last few weeks of the pregnancy it will, no doubt, be very difficult for the mother to be, to find a consistently, comfortable sleeping position and more time than not will be spent awake with the sleep achieved of a low quality type.

Tips to help insomnia in pregnancy

Exercise regularly and keep weight in check
Eat small days during the day avoiding spicy and fatty foods
If you suffer from heart burn try sleeping with the bed head elevated
Nap during the day to relieve daytime fatigue
Increase your intake of folate, iron and vitamin B12
Hydrate during the day at regular intervals easing off at night
Adjust your bed position according to your stage of pregnancy
In the third trimester try to sleep on your left side allowing improved blood flow to the foetus, uterus and kidneys

They sleep an awful lot and it's a very active sleep made up of around 50 percent rapid eye movement (REM) sleep.

Sleep is absolutely essential for the mental and physical development of babies and although it's unusual, sleep disorders in babies and children can exist, so if there are any concerns, a visit to the doctor would be advisable.

For the first couple of months babies have an irregular sleep-wake pattern. They can sleep from between 10 and 18 hours a day with waking periods of 1 to 3 hours.

Babies should preferably be put to bed when they are sleepy after plenty of light and play during the day, rather than when they are asleep.

Generally speaking, separating the baby from the parents during sleep is thought to be the best option. There is some evidence to show that children, who have developed sleep disorders, were more likely to have shared the sleeping space with one or both parents. Besides benefiting the baby, sleeping apart means the parents get better quality sleep as well.

Infancy to teenagers
Between years 5 to 12 it is still important for children to get good quality sleep as mentally and physically they are still in an important development phase. It's important to be wary of stimulants that might interrupt their sleep patterns. These include digital stimulants, television, computer games, as well as food and drink containing a lot of sugar and caffeine

Continued sleep disturbances can lead to poor learning, mood disorders and hyperactivity. Children may also be more likely to start showing signs of sleep apnea, narcolepsy and sleep walking.

A consistent bedtime routine is the order of the day. This means morning waking-times and bed times, being consistent.
Bedroom temperature should be comfortable, around 75f (24c) and quiet and dark.
Stop excessive activity one or two hours before bedtime.
The child should be left to go to sleep whilst still awake and drowsy so that he/she learns to get to sleep by himself/herself.

Teenagers need less sleep but quite often develop a phase shift in their sleeping habits or the first signs of delayed sleep phase syndrome (DSPS).
It's more likely the apparent shift in phase, is to do with behavior changes at school or socially.
It may be harder for parents to implement, but again a consistent bedtime routine is important.

DSPS is a circadian rhythm disorder and the likely sleeping pattern would be getting to bed at between 2am and 6am and rising between 10am and 1pm. The tendency would be to eat in the evening and not being hungry in the morning.

Apart from common sense measures in getting your child back into a more normal pattern of sleep, "light" therapy can be tried. This is where bright light is scheduled for the early morning and strong light is avoided after sunset.
Light exposure is more effective when combined with exercise.
Switching the computer off in the evening or at least moving it out of the teenager's bedroom might be helpful for sleep, but being without social networking for so long, might be too big a wrench.

These are some reasons why insomnia is a major problem and some suggested ways, out of the many, that can help banish sleepless nights.

Help is at hand!
Whether or not as a woman you are familiar with insomnia, pregnancy will come along and totally disrupt your sleeping patterns. As it is such an enormous sleep disrupter there isn't a way to completely eradicate the effects of sleep deprivation but there are sleeping techniques using the senses, which can maximize the quality of rest you get as a pregnant mum or as anyone suffering from insomnia.

Lelliot is a long term sufferer of insomnia and movement related sleep disorders and has been researching into insomnia, pregnancy and all things sleep related for 15 years. Get more insights into sleeping plus a free email mini-course at

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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Low-Back Pain During Pregnancy - Health - Alternative Medicine

So you're expecting a child soon! That's wonderful! Whether you have just gotten the news, or are approaching the big day, you are probably going through quite a bit of physical change and discomfort. Low-back pain afflicts more than half the population of pregnant women. It's something that can happen at any point during a pregnancy, and is very common. The causes are both chemical and physical, as your hormones and center of gravity undergo significant change.

A lot of women are shocked by the amount of back pain they feel very early in their pregnancy. The first hormone that causes low-back pain in early pregnancy is progesterone. While progesterone enables embryo implantation and gestation, this hormone also has the effect of softening the ligaments and disks in your back. Spasms or cramps in your lower back may result, as this process limits the amount of support provided to your upper body.
As your pregnancy develops, your body produces more of another hormone, called relaxin. This hormone is essential to labor and delivery; as the name implies, relaxin relaxes the joints in your pelvis, which enables the baby to pass through the birth canal with ample room. However, the hormone can also lead to inflammation and pain in your other joints, as it may cause other joints in your body to move abnormally.

The growing fetus causes several changes contributing to low back pain in pregnancy. Your abdominal muscles are extremely taxed by the demands of your growing fetus and expanding uterus as, in order to accommodate the extra growth, they must stretch well beyond their normal capacity. The effect of this is that your lower back takes on extra weight from your torso, as your abdominal muscles are no longer able to support proper body posture.

In the course of carrying your baby to term, your center of gravity changes by a significant amount. During pregnancy, the average woman will gain seven pounds of solely baby weight, two pounds of placenta, and two pounds of amniotic fluid and uterine tissue! On the other hand, inflammation and pain may result, as hormones can cause abnormal movement of other joints in the body. Though common in pregnant women, back pain should always be taken seriously. Pay attention to any low-back pain you might have, and speak to your healthcare provider about it. This can help to weed out the possibility of ignoring an underlying condition, like an injury from an accident. Dull backaches, felt low and in rhythmic intervals, might indicate labor. Many women have "back labor," which just means that they feel the labor in their back. Severe back pain and fever may indicate an infection, though you may still have an infection without a fever.

There are many techniques at your disposal to control any low-back pain you may experience while pregnant:

• Exercises that focus on stretching, like pelvic tilts.

• Maintaining good posture, by standing straight and tall, keeping your shoulders down and back, and tucking your buttocks under your spine.

• Make an effort not to stand for long periods of time. Though, if you absolutely must do so, you can elevate one foot on a box or low step stool.

• Put a small pillow behind your lower back when you're sitting.

• Don't wear high heels unless absolutely necessary. A far better choice would be flat shoes with proper support for your arches.

• A bit of additional support can come from maternity pants - try to get ones with a wide elastic band you can wear under the belly. You can find maternity belts, or girdles mean specifically for expecting women in healthcare and maternity stores. You may also find that your insurance company covers such a purchase when prescribed by your healthcare provider, so check in with them.

• Keep a pillow between your legs at night, sleeping on your side. Also, if possible, use a firm mattress that supports your back better than softer ones.

• You might try using a maternity pillow, a specially designed pillow for pregnant women that can alleviate some strain in your back.

• Lift objects using your legs, and not your back. Try not to lift heavy objects at all. When you need to carry a large load from one place to another, you should split the task up into smaller parts.

• Stay active! Find out if walking or swimming will work for you by consulting with your healthcare provider.

• See if you can find a trained pregnancy masseuse. You might discover that your partner or friend can provide adequate relief with gentle rubbing or kneading on the sore spots on your back. Warm compresses can be effective. A heating pad set to its lowest point, an adequately warm bath, or arranging yourself on your hands and knees in the shower to direct warm water at your lower back, may all offer relief.

• Acupuncture treatment may also be a good choice for you - but remember again to ask your doctor.

• Pregnant women can use pain relievers with acetominophen, like Tylenol.

Regardless, there are no cure-alls for chronic back pain, whether you seek support your Doctor of Chiropractic or not. Since back pain can often be triggered by overt strain or injury, the pain may last for weeks before you notice any positive changes to your condition; bear this in mind when determining the effectiveness of any treatment. During pregnancy, be sure to pay extremely close attention to your body as it changes, and jot down details as they come. Keep vigilant, even with things that you might have let slide if you didn't have to think about your baby, also. Particularly if this is the first time you are pregnant, brace yourself for changes in your body that will surprise you, in spite of whatever reading you might have done on the subject. This is to be expected. Stay focused on your body, treat low-back pain seriously, and take pleasure in the process of being an expectant mother!

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Do You Gain Weight The First Trimester Of Pregnancy Or Not? by ...

Moving through pregnancy often raises some tricky questions. In fact, sometimes there just seem to be too many. There are often some common questions like - do you gain weight the first trimester of pregnancy and similar questions. What can I say - read on and we'll try and help you with this one.

Recapping; Do you gain weight the first trimester of pregnancy? Is a common question among expecting mothers so we thought we could offer some insight on this.

When you are pregnant, you have to be careful with a lot of details if you want to have a healthy baby (and of course you want this!). One of this is the weight you have to gain during pregnancy. If you are an expecting mother, you probably know that an adult normal-weight woman must gain something between 25 and 35 pounds, by the ninth month. You must also know that you have to gain weight mainly in the second and in the third trimester, but many of you ask yourselves: do you gain weight the first trimester of pregnancy?

The first trimester is the beginning of this important journey that is pregnancy. Even if it won?t get obvious that you are carrying a baby from the outside, you will feel different and you will notice many changes in your body. These include breast changes, you will urinate more often, you may be much more tired than usual, and you may have nausea, heartburn, headaches. Besides these, some women reclaim feelings of depression, anxiety, fear and mood swings. You might also feel the weight gain (that will most probably occur from the first trimester) as one of the important changes in your body, especially if you?ve had constantly swinging weight gain over the past few years.

It is recommended to gain about 3 to 5 pounds in the first trimester of pregnancy. Sometimes it?s difficult to gain weight during pregnancy, even if you want to. You might even lose weight in the first trimester, because of the morning sickness, lack of appetite and tiredness. How risky might this be for your baby? On the other hand, it is possible to gain much more than the normal amount of weight in the first trimester. This is also not healthy for either of you. Let?s discuss these two situations separately.

Do you gain weight the first trimester of pregnancy if you eat barely anything? Perhaps not, but you don?t have to worry about this. During the nausea-prone first trimester, few women manage to eat ?by the book?. That?s why it is important to enter pregnancy with enough nutritional reserves to provide for you and your baby.

If you didn?t manage to gain at least 2 pounds after the first trimester of pregnancy, or even lose some weight you don?t need to panic, this is not a reason for the baby not to develop normally, but you should consult a specialist in nutrition. If you didn?t have healthy-eating habits before, pregnancy is the time to develop these good habits. Even if you don?t have an appetite and you feel a little sick, make sure that what you eat , at least, is high-calorie but healthy food. You don?t have to exaggerate with eating junk food and having endless desserts, even if you didn?t manage to gain the proper weight in the first trimester. This may be harmful for the baby.

On the other hand, excessive weight gain can lead to health problems for the mother, such as diabetes, high blood pressure and varicose veins, and will increase the difficulty of delivery. Besides these, it might become difficult for you to manage your weight properly after delivery. You probably know that much of the extra weight goes to your baby (7-8 pounds), the extra blood and fluid volume (8 pounds), amniotic fluid (2 pounds), uterus, placenta, breast enlargement, and extra fat stores (7 pounds) in case of illness or "hard times."

But in the first trimester of pregnancy the baby and her ?housing? are still yet very small, and your pregnancy weight gain needs are covered with 5-6 pounds. The extra pounds you gain above these 5-6 are yours only. Don?t even consider compensating them with gaining less in the second or in the third trimester. Anyway, it gets physically improbable; even if you starve yourself you could gain weight.

The question ?do you gain weight the first trimester of pregnancy?? is usually posed by mothers who are concerned about their baby?s health and proper development.

About The Author Kitty Barker who often writes for and with Pregnancy Information where there is far more information, news and resources. She also writes for Pregnancy Weight Gain If that link is inactive, you can paste this link into your browser -

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How To Announce A Pregnancy by Gen Mason - - Free ...

Learning you are pregnant is one of the most exciting times in a woman?s life. Not only is it a major milestone in the path of adulthood it is one of the most joyous experiences you will ever have.

Maybe you are so excited you can?t wait to throw open you windows and announce it to the world. Or are you the type that is so excited that you want to find a special way to announce it to those that you love the most.

Obviously you would want to share your joyous news to everyone and anyone who will listen. Maybe you want to share it in a special, unique way with your friends and family; a way that will completely surprise them all and have them in tears.

Ways to announce you?re pregnant

E cards

One of the simplest ways to announce your pregnancy is by e card. Hundreds of websites offer free e cards or some you can pay for.

Buy them a gift

Go to any store that sells small baby items. A dollar store is a good choice if you want to keep it low budget. Buy items like baby bibs, bottles, rattles, pacifiers, baby shoes, etc. Also you will need to buy small boxes for the items to fit in and gift wrapping paper. When you have time alone, place each item individually into a box and wrap them. Place a tag on each box for the person who will be receiving it. This can be done for your parents, his parents, your husband, sisters and brothers and so on.

You can even place a little note in each one saying, ?We?re having a baby!?

Imagine your family?s surprise when they open this gift!

Ultrasound, baby?s first picture

Not all doctors give an ultrasound when you first find out you?re pregnant. Some do, however and this is another cute way to make your happy announcement. After you have your 1st ultrasound have copies made for the number of people you want to share your announcement with. Copies can be made in color for picture quality at a number of drug stores that offer film development. Buy enough frames for every copy that you had made. Also buy gift wrap and boxes for each.

When you have alone time, frame each ultrasound and wrap them carefully (stuffing the box is best since it is a breakable). Place a tag on each box to the person you plan on giving it to.

This is especially great for Christmas time, etc. Your family will be so excited by your baby?s first picture!

Paper Cards

Another great idea (if you are able to find them) is give out father?s day and grandparent?s day cards. If you can find the cards, fill them out saying: ?Happy Father?s Day, etc. By the way, we are having a baby! ?This will hit them from left field, especially if it is done completely out of the blue. If you have a hard time finding these cards because stores only sell them around the holidays they are intended for, try looking on the internet.

Word Search

This can be time consuming, especially if you have a lot of people to tell, but it is adorable. You will need a computer, printer and some type of software you can type on. On your computer type out various letters in no particular order in 10 columns across the screen and 10 columns down. When you finish you should have 100 letters in the form of a box (just like word search in a newspaper). Somewhere in the jumble of letters (wherever you decide) take out enough of the letters to put ?We?re Pregnant? or ?We?re having a baby?.

Let your friends and family members have fun searching for the secret you have to tell!

Proud Daddy and Grandparents t shirts

Another cute idea is to buy baby t shirts for your family. The t shirts should reflect who will be receiving them.


proud daddy
#1 grandpa
#1 grandma
#1 aunt or uncle

Package them the same, with gift wrap etc. and then pass them out to your family and friends!

There are so many creative ways to share your joyous occasion with the people you love. Give people the gift of surprise with a creative pregnancy announcement!

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Early Pregnancy Symptoms by Sinead Hoben - - Free ...

Whether you are trying to get pregnant, or think you may already be pregnant, it can be extremely frustrating waiting to find out one way or the other! Lots of women cannot bear the wait between ovulation and menstruation and want to find out if they are pregnant sooner rather than later.

Fortunately many over-the-counter pregnancy tests can be taken on or after the day that your period was due - and some newer generation tests can even be taken a few days before menstruation. But, if you are really impatient to get results, you may be surprised to know that your body can be an excellent indicator if you monitor yourself carefully!

Many women experience some signs of pregnancy in the week before their period is due. Although these symptoms can mimic pre-menstrual symptoms, sometimes they are a little more severe. So you may feel you have a particularly bad dose of PMT and later realise that you were in fact pregnant!

Some women experience pregnancy symptoms within just a few days of conception; others experience nothing at all until a few weeks into the pregnancy.

Conception usually occurs within 8-10 days of ovulation and at this point your body starts to react to HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin), the pregnancy hormone. This is the hormone that pregnancy tests detect in a positive test. And it is the rapidly rising levels of HCG which cause the symptoms of pregnancy.

If you do suspect that you may be pregnant and are suffering from some or all of the symptoms outlined below, see your GP as soon as possible. It is important to receive medical care and to get a booking in appointment at hospital so that you can receive appropriate ante-natal care.

So what are the early signs of pregnancy?

?Nausea/ Vomiting

Otherwise known as ?Morning Sickness?, this can occur very early on in pregnancy, even before you realise that you are pregnant. Many women think they may have a touch of food poisoning or are coming down with a cold! Although called morning sickness, it can occur at any time and can come in bouts or last all day and night! Eating little and often can help relieve it and you might find that dry crackers are very effective. The nausea often gets worse when you are hungry so it can be useful to keep some snack food with you at all times. The gag reflex is often easily triggered and simple acts like brushing your teeth can leave you hanging over the toilet bowl!

?Enhanced Sense of Smell and Taste

Lots of women become more sensitive to everyday smells and common foodstuffs, such as tea, coffee and toast, can trigger nausea. Your sense of taste may change dramatically and you may find you can no longer bear to drink or eat foods that you would normally enjoy! You may also notice a metallic taste in your mouth.

?Frequent Urination

This can happen as early as 1 week into the pregnancy. You may find you are running to the toilet a lot more often than normal and maybe even during the night. As the uterus rapidly enlarges after implantation, it presses on your bladder making you feel like you need to urinate. Often you will rush to the toilet only to pass a tiny trickle of urine!

Urine may also darken and have a stronger smell than normal so you should try to drink plenty of water. If you are concerned or experiencing pain speak to your GP in case you have a urinary tract infection.

?Breast Tenderness

It is very common for women to report that their breasts enlarge and become extremely tender very early on in pregnancy. Nipples also become very sensitive and enlarged and will darken in colour. Breast veins also become more noticeable ? all in preparation for breastfeeding! Little bumps, Montgomery?s tubercles, also appear on the areola (the area surrounding the nipple) that will help to lubricate the breast during breastfeeding.


You may feel absolutely exhausted very early on in pregnancy and throughout the first trimester. This is a result of rapidly rising HCG levels, very high progesterone levels and a higher than normal body temperature. Combine all that with frequent toilet trips and nausea and trying to hold down a job and it is no wonder pregnant women feel exhausted!

?Missed Period/ Cramping/ Backache/ Headaches

For most women this can be the first indication that they are pregnant but for the first few weeks of pregnancy you may experience cramping and have a feeling your period will arrive at any moment. Often the cramping is accompanied by back pain.

Obviously, any cramping and bleeding, even if it is light, should be reported to your doctor. Pregnant women also often experience more headaches than normal and again this can be a result of massive hormonal changes.

?Light Bleeding/ Spotting

About 8-10 days after ovulation some women experience some light bleeding which coincides with the time a period was due. Sometimes this can be mistaken for a light period. This bleeding is often implantation bleeding which is a result of the egg implanting in the uterus.

?Dizziness/ Fainting

Because pregnancy affects the sense of taste and smell lots of pregnant women unintentionally avoid food and skip meals. This causes low blood sugar levels which can lead to dizzy spells and fainting.

If you are standing for a long period of time the increased pressure of the uterus pressing on major arteries in your legs can lead to a fall in blood pressure which can also make you feel dizzy or faint.


In order to absorb all the nutrients that your developing baby requires, pregnancy hormones slow down your metabolism and this can lead to constipation. Try eating plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables and drinking lots of water to help avoid constipation.


With lots of pregnancy hormones raging through your body, as well as coping with sickness and tiredness, is it any wonder pregnant women get easily irritated during early pregnancy? If you find yourself getting stressed and losing your temper try to take some gentle exercise, more rest and eat a healthy, balanced diet - if you can face it!

?Heartburn/ Indigestion

Although heartburn and indigestion are usually associated with the later stages of pregnancy, they can also occur early on for some women. HCG slows down digestion meaning that your stomach remains full for longer. Stomach acid can then make its way into your oesophagus and even to the back of your throat causing discomfort and even nausea. It can often be relieved with medication, so ask your doctor for some antacids suitable during pregnancy. Avoid eating heavy or spicy meals late in the evening as these can aggravate the problem!

?Changes in Complexion

You might notice your skin breaks out in spots as a result of all the pregnancy hormones coursing through your body but this often settles down by the second trimester! Any moles or liver spots may also darken due to increased skin pigmentation.

?Increased Cervical Mucous

Many pregnant women notice that they pass more cervical mucous than normal and that it is thick and white. This is normal in pregnancy. But if you notice an unusual smell or itching alongside it, consult your GP as Thrush is also a common pregnancy complaint!

?Weight Loss

Perhaps surprisingly you may lose weight during the first trimester of pregnancy. However, considering that most women try to eat more healthily, cut out alcohol and eat less due to a decreased appetite, it is completely normal! Couple that with a bigger bosom than usual and you may be complimented on how wonderful you are looking ? often by unsuspecting individuals who are unaware of your pregnancy. Make the most of it while you can!

Enjoy your precious nine months!

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Pregnancy: Your Birth Control Options - Health - Wellness

Are you a woman who is currently unsure as to whether or not you are ready for parenthood? If that is the case, are you currently sexually active? If you are, are you using any form of birth control? Parenting and pregnancy are all important issues, ones that are difficult to back down from. For that reason, if you are not looking to become a mother just yet, it is important that you take the time to familiarize yourself with all of your options.

Perhaps, the most popular and most well-known birth control method is that of condoms. Condoms, in most cases, are highly effective against preventing pregnancy. On rare occasions, they can break or leak, but you are typically safe. Just be sure to purchase a brand of condoms that is known for their strength and durability. What is nice about this popular method, is that you are often not only protected against pregnancy, but sexually transmitted diseases as well.

Although condoms are an effective method used by many, there are many women and men who prefer not to use them. If you are not interested in handling the issue of the birth and upbringing of a child, it is important that you take the time to familiarize yourself with the other options that you have. A few of those other options, outlined below, are ones that may not be as well-known or as popular as condoms, but they are typically just as effective.

Birth control pills are a hormonal form of the technique. Pills require the taking of a pill each and everyday of the month. This method is known as being effective, as long as they are taken as directed. As with many other medications, these pills are not ideal for smokers, as they may cause additional health complications. With a large selection of pills, including ones that eliminate your menstrual period, you are sure to find something that can offer you assistance.

Aside from condoms and birth control, the next most popular form is another hormonal method. This method is commonly referred to as the Depo shot. The Depo shot has one main downfall and that is that it has been linked to a poor absorption of calcium. That is why many Depo users are urged to take calcium supplements each day. What is nice about the Depo shot is that it is not only effective at preventing pregnancy, but it is also administered on a three-month schedule and periods are often a thing of the past.

Although not as popular as condoms, the Depo shot, and birth control pills, IUDs are also effective forms. IUDs are known as Intra-Uterine Devices. Intra-Uterine Devices (IUDs) come in a number of different formats, but they are still designed to protect you from pregnancy. This is either done with the use of a copper device, which is spermicidal, or ones that release progestin.

The above mentioned birth control methods are actually just a few of the many that exist, but these methods are designed to prevent pregnancy right from the start. Should you find yourself in an emergency situation, it is important to know that you have a number of different options, including emergency contraceptives. These emergency contraceptives can be obtained through your doctor's office or your local pharmacy. Despite being able to offer you assistance, it is important that you do not use abortion or even emergency contraceptives as a form of birth control. If that is what you have been doing, you have a whole other set of issues that need to be dealt with.

As a reminder, the above mentioned birth control methods can all help to prevent you from becoming pregnant. With that in mind, the only method of birth control, at this moment, that can protect you from sexually transmitted disease is that of a condom.

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Pregnancy Risk Conditions - Health

Even a healthy pregnancy condition can be susceptible to critical pregnancy risk conditions. The high level of stress factors in our life should be blamed for it. Such unhealthy stress factors do not allow the embryo to have a healthy womb to grow up in.

The complications develop from many factors such as diabetes, hypertension and even STDs (Sexually Transmitted Disease) such as syphilis, Chlamydia and other conditions such as virus, bacteria and parasites. The possible pregnancy complications that can harm you and your developing fetus are:

Complications of placenta are placental abruption (wherein the placental lining has separated from the uterus of the mother. It is the most common cause of late pregnancy bleeding. In humans, it refers to the abnormal separation after 20 weeks of gestation and prior to birth.

Ectopic pregnancies are one of the most common early complications. Ectopic pregnancies refer to pregnancies in which the egg is fertilized outside the womb so the fetus begins to develop in the ovary or in the fallopian tube.

This can be very dangerous not only for the fetus but also for the mother. If surgery is not performed, the tubes could burst and result in internal bleeding and in some cases, even death.

An abnormal fetus causes almost all miscarriages during the first three months of pregnancy (first trimester). Problems in the genes are responsible for an abnormal fetus and are found in more than half of miscarried fetuses. The risk of defective genes increases with the woman's age, especially over if she is older than 35 years.

Premature birth is commonly known as delivering of the baby prior to the due date. Normal pregnancy is said to end at about forty weeks. In clinical language, a premature birth marks the delivery of the baby before 37 weeks of pregnancy.

The Rh factor in your blood type can cause harm to your baby. If the mother is Rh negative and her partner Rh positive, the combination results in a baby with Rh positive. In this condition, when the blood transfers from mother to the child, the red blood cells will break down leading to anaemia.

Yes, there are many Home remedies available for overcoming pregnancy complication. These are briefly mentioned as below.

Vitamin C, found in fruits and vegetables, is critical for the maintenance of foetal membrane.By simply supplementing pregnancy diet with Vitamin C rich content, you can say good-bye to one of the most common pregnancy complications.

One should have frequent meals and never keep her stomach empty. Try taking fruits, leafy-vegetables or fat-free snacks instead of taking fried and fatty food. It is advisable that a pregnant woman should take food with high fiber content.

When a pregnant woman is feeling nauseous she can have fresh lime soda and if soda isn't available at that time then she can sniff a fresh lemon peel.

As can be seen, pregnancy is a stage where a woman faces various complications relating to her health. However, most of these pregnancy complications can be cured easily by some home remedies.

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Keeping Your Body Healthy During Pregnancy - Family - Pregnancy

Getting pregnant is a joyous time for any new parent but young mothers have some serious concerns about how a pregnancy will affect their body for the long term. Sure you have a baby growing inside you and you may be tempted to think that you are eating for two but surely if you take this approach to eating while you are pregnant you will probably find out that at the end of your pregnancy that you are left with a lot of extra weight to lose.

When someone is pregnant, their diet should only have slight modifications. For the most part, they should eat like they normally do. The modifications should include a few extra calories in addition to lowering their intake of salt and sugar. Eating more natural foods and whole grain foods will do wonders for keeping the weight gain in check while pregnant.

Exercise should always be part of your daily routine and especially important when you are pregnant to help control your weight. However, always consult your family physician before starting such a program to ensure undue stress will not be placed on the unborn and growing child. It is also believed that simple yoga postures will help during pregnancy and promote health and balance for the mother to be. Many experts frown on starting a exercise program after pregnancy, so it is wise to seek medical professional council before starting any new program.

As any medical health care professional will tell you, blood pressure is a primary concern for pregnant women. The mere fact of a pregnancy means that the heart has to work harder to supply nutrients to the mother as well as the baby, but high blood pressure can also be warning signs of something more sinister that could jeopardize the mother and the baby if left unchecked. Getting plenty of rest and more frequent doctor or midwife visits will also help things go smooth. Steer clear of stressful situations when necessary to help the pregnancy stay healthy.

Stretch marks can be easily dealt with by applying natural creams and oils every day on the belly area during pregnancy and a major contributor to stretch marks is excessive weight gain. Keeping this to a minimum will help keep the marks to a minimum. It is important to increase your weight to no more than 20 to 25 lbs., because this will help your baby to be healthy and continue a healthy pregnancy in addition to making your post delivery recovery time easier and faster.

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Pupp Rash: Pups During Pregnancy - Health - Skin Care

Until recently, I never was familiar with the pups rash, but a few clients coincidentally came to the clinic where I do psychotherapy and were suffering from this. It usually occurs during the last trimester of pregnancy and can have strong itching, lots of red marks and produce insomnia. It is definitely a challenge for one's pregnancy on top of the already existing ones due to hormonal changes and one's body enlarging.

During pregnancy many women experience a rash, which is very common during the pregnancy stages as the skin visibly changes. During the pregnancy stages, there is a higher blood hormone level and this can have an effect on the skin. There isn't anything harmful about most skin changes as far as the health of the baby and the mother is concerned. On the whole, these changes become normalized within a few months after the baby is born. But there are some skin conditions that can indicate other underlying problems so it's always best to get this looked at and treated. For some women, the hormonal changes can result in acne. We also know how common food cravings and repulsions can also be during pregnancy. Some women will also get a skin darkening, sometimes referred to as the pregnancy rash.

One pregnancy rash is called the pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy (PUPPP) which can cause an non-stop itch or some and be quite frustrating. Fortunately, this ceases after the birth of the baby but nonetheless, it can be hard to tolerate. Some studies have shown that there is a higher incidence of the birth of a boy when one has pupps rash. Most women won't get this before the sixth month of pregnancy, but there are exceptions. The rash starts with the stretch marks in the abdomen according to some.

Pupp rash may sting as well as itch and is usually found on the stomach area, thighs and buttocks.. It can also be much more extensive. Moisturizers, anti-itch creams and sometimes cortisone is used to relieve symptom. Some doctors may induce labor early or prescribe prednisone if necessary. Unfortunately, some women may even get the rash before their third trimester. Keep your focus on your beautiul baby inside you and know that this is a temporary discomfort. See a physician to rule out other issues such as a stress rash or eczema.

Remember that your newborn baby will give you a wonderful light in your life and this period of the rash will pass and be funny in retrospect. Keep your sense of lightness and calmness despite the physical discomfort. More info on pupp rash what is pupps can help you get relief.

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How Far Along Am I In My Pregnancy? by Kitty Barker

You are a young mother and expecting your first baby which is a very anxious time for you. How far along am I in my pregnancy? That is the question that most expectant mothers raise. There are two ways that one can calculate how far along in the pregnancy you might be. The American System is used by most doctors but the Ovulation System works just as well.

How far along am I in my pregnancy? In the American System if you are 7 weeks pregnant, you conceived about 5 weeks ago. The differences in the method of calculating how far along you are average out to be almost the same.

Pregnancy is dated from the first day of the menstrual period. This is a hold over from the past when little was known about cycles. Confusion is not uncommon in dating a pregnancy. Now the question still remains how far along am I in my pregnancy? There are two ways to calculate how far along you might be in your pregnancy. The first way is the American System. In the American system the first trimester ends after week twelve. The second trimester ends after the twenty-sixth week. The due date then is the fortieth week. This is a common method in this country to determine how far along you are in your pregnancy.

The other manner of figuring our where you are in your pregnancy and your due date is called the Ovulation System.

The above chart makes a comparison for you so that you are better able to understand how to calculate. The question again presents itself, how far along am I in my pregnancy? The numerous tests you can take and different ways to calculate may still have you confused.

The Ovulation System which is used in many other countries and often in the United States seems to be the most accurate way of getting an exact measure of how far along you are in your pregnancy. In the Ovulation System conception is considered week 0. The positive pregnancy test can be measured by week 2. The end of the first trimester is weeks 10-11. The end of the second trimester is week twenty-four. The due date is normally figured at week thirty-eight. In comparison to the American System there is a two week difference.

How far along am I in my pregnancy? The question still remains the answer depends on what system the doctor uses in his calculations. Some ladies like to count backward to figure out when they conceived, if the American System is used and you are seven weeks pregnant, you conceived five weeks ago. There are other things to consider as well that might help you to determine when you think your pregnancy began. You can of course take the home pregnancy test that helps you to know for sure you are pregnant. When you?re trying as a couple to get pregnant it is not uncommon for a woman to take the home pregnancy test every month. This then gives you a better idea of when you might have conceived.

A missed period is another method of knowing that you are pregnant. The calendar tracking can help you just as well. It is a good thing to track on your calendar the last day of your period and know when you are ovulating. You and your doctor can work out a plan together that will help you and your husband plan a pregnancy. One last time you may ask, How far along am I in my pregnancy?

The use of the above methods, well planned relationship, and testing methods are all ways that can help you understand approximately how far along in your pregnancy you are. The Ultimate end when the baby comes is normally up to the baby when it decides to come.

About The Author Kitty Barker who often writes for and with Pregnancy Information where there is far more information, news and resources. She also writes for Pregnancy Weight Gain If that link is inactive, you can paste this link into your browser -

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Pregnancy: How it progresses from Week One to Its last Week ...

The most important stage in a woman's life is when she is expecting a baby. This stage is full of new experiences, especially when the pregnancy is for the first time. The whole phase of a pregnancy lasts for about forty weeks, give or take a few weeks here and there. This stage is them divided into roughly three parts or trimesters. Each trimester has its own distinct characteristics. Those that exist in the first usually fade away by the time the next trimester comes about. In each of the stage, the baby develops from a nascent stage to a more mature stage. The following is a summary of a pregnancy week by week.

The first trimester lasts upto twelve weeks. When seen briefly, there are alterations in pregnancy symptoms week by week. This is when the ovulation and fertilization occurs. The egg is fertilized by the sperm. This fertilization usually occurs in the fallopian tube, where the baby grows. The next stage that comes is called implantation. The egg that has been fertilized by the sperm appends to the uterine wall. The first formation to happen is that of the nervous system, in the form of the neural tube. The heart and circulatory system develop next.

After the fifth month, more developments occur. The umbilical tube forms as do the lungs, hands, feet, and arms start to form. Other emerging pregnancy symptoms week by week are observed. The heart is beginning to acquire its full functions. As the sixth week comes, the movement of limbs can be felt. At this stage, the expansion of brain cells is rapid. Eyes begin to be developed, though they remain closed throughout. In the seventh and sixth week of the pregnancy, the stomach, liver, pancreas, and the intestines come about. Later elbows come to support the arms.

The baby now starts to develop the gum line, this line forms the support for teeth later on. The week by week advance happens as bones and cartilages grow. Organs like the digestive system advance as do the eyes. Fingers also develop along with their fingerprints. Week eleven will bring hair and nails with it. Kidneys have already started functioning and the progress of the pregnancy week by week is rapid. The cornea and iris are being formed in the shut eye lids. Genitals also come about and gender can be determined at this stage. All internal organs complete growing.

Ears take their position at the side of the head. The muscles are underdeveloped but are taking up some concrete shape. The next stage brings constant growth. The final shape of all organs is happening. The neck of the baby becomes more stable and gains strength. The placenta is at its busiest stage right now. Glands like the thyroid develop and even secrete hormones, but in small quantities. The skin is transparent at this point and very fine hair appears on the body.

Pregnancy lasts about 40 weeks and is divided in to three trimesters. An overview of your week by week pregnancy and the developmental stages of the embryo during these trimesters can be found at or click on Pregnancy Week By Week

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Pregnancy and Smoking and First Trimester Dangers by Shalene Chamings

Did you know that if women quit smoking when they were pregnant that infant deaths could be reduced by up to 10 percent? Pregnancy and smoking and first trimester are not words that go together. The good news is that no can report that a woman who has smoked prior to her pregnancy is putting her baby at risk. However, smoking during pregnancy is very hazardous to an unborn baby.

Pregnancy and smoking and first trimester have been linked to 100,000+ miscarriages and 5,500+ infant deaths per year. Smoking also puts an expectant mother at risk for complications such as vaginal bleeding, premature rupture of the membranes, early delivery and more. Evidence is showing that a pregnant mother who smokes may have a baby who has a low birth weight. Low birth weight and being born too small is a major cause of infant illness and perinatal death.

If you are pregnant and a smoker you should know that the best time to quit is during the first trimester. Pregnancy and smoking and first trimester are not words that go together. Here are some tips that will help you get started on breaking the smoking habit.

Find out what motivates you to smoke. Is it the stimulation? Maybe you do it to relax? Do you use smoking as a way to relieve tension and stress? Maybe you smoke simply out of habit? Are you even aware of when you light up a cigarette or do you find yourself smoking out of habit? If you are able to find out what motivates you to smoke you can find a substitute to replace the smoking.

Find something that will motivate you to quit smoking. This is very easy for a pregnant woman. Your motivation is to have a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby.

Find a method that will help you to quit smoking. Talk with your OB/GYN and find a way that you can quit together. Many expectant mothers chose to quit smoking cold turkey. Others wean themselves off of cigarettes during the first trimester simply because smoking makes them feel ill.

If you like smoking because it keeps your hands busy, try to do something else with your hands. You can suck on a lollipop, play with a pencil, knit, play a musical instrument, paint your fingernails and more.

If you smoke for the oral gratification, find something to replace it. This can include chewing on gum, veggies, popcorn, or simply placing a toothpick in your mouth.

If you smoke because it stimulates you, why not walk instead? Walking can give you an energy boost and help clear your head when you are feeling tired.

If you simply smoke because it is a habit, try to develop a new habit to take its place. Every time you feel like smoking you can go brush your teeth or go to a certain area in your home to relax and listen to music. If you smoke in certain situations or when you eat or drink certain foods, avoid those situations, foods and drinks for a while.

Pregnancy and smoking and first trimester are simply words that do not fit together. Not only do they sound strange on paper, but they are dangerous words to put together in life. Remember, if you can get past the first few days of withdrawal they will be worth it. Not only will your baby be healthier, but you will be healthier.

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Diet for Pregnancy by Bette Daoust -

Being hungry all the time is the number complaint of women during pregnancy. The main cause why pregnant women always feel hungry is because of the increased metabolic demand on the body. Many pregnant women also experience several numbers of cravings within the nine months period, which make eating healthy for the whole period of pregnancy a challenging task.

Here are some Diet tips for pregnant women:

1. Remove the wrong connotation that you need to eat for two. You do not have to eat for two; you only need an additional 300 calories everyday. These calories are not needed until you are on your 2nd and 3rd trimesters.

2. What you need to remember during pregnancy is not to cut your calorie intake. If you cut it back, there is a possibility that your body will not be able to provide the necessary nutrients that your baby needs for his growth and development.

3. Never skip meals. Pregnant women who skip breakfast are more prone to fatigability. This is also the reason behind overeating during pregnancy. So make sure that everyday you eat each meal.

4. It is best to eat frequent and small amounts of meals throughout the day instead of eating heavy meals three times a day. This will minimize dizziness and nausea during the first trimester.

5. If you have cravings, satisfy yourself with nutritious snacks. It is better to pack small amounts of healthy foods. It will help to avoid overeating. It is better to drink a cup of hot chocolate or have some mini chocolates with you if you are craving for something sweet. These are much better instead of eating the whole candy bar.

6. Do not forget to exercise even if you are pregnant. Make sure to consult your doctor on what types of exercises you can do. This will make you feel better with more energy throughout the day. It will also give you a reminder to eat healthy everyday.

7. Do not drink Soda. It is much better if you will avoid drinks that have high calorie content. It is best to stick in drinking water instead of artificial juices and other flavored drinks.

During pregnancy, you may feel hungry but in fact, you are just thirsty. Therefore, it is better to drink lots of water. The brains thirst and hunger centers usually are mixed up during pregnancy. If you are properly hydrated, there will be lesser chance that you will overeat.

Being hungry all the time is the number complaint of women during pregnancy. The main cause why pregnant women always feel hungry is because of the increased metabolic demand on the body. Many pregnant women also experience several numbers of cravings within the nine months period, which make eating healthy for the whole period of pregnancy a challenging task.

Here are some Diet tips for pregnant women:

1. Remove the wrong connotation that you need to eat for two. You do not have to eat for two; you only need an additional 300 calories everyday. These calories are not needed until you are on your 2nd and 3rd trimesters.

2. What you need to remember during pregnancy is not to cut your calorie intake. If you cut it back, there is a possibility that your body will not be able to provide the necessary nutrients that your baby needs for his growth and development.

3. Never skip meals. Pregnant women who skip breakfast are more prone to fatigability. This is also the reason behind overeating during pregnancy. So make sure that everyday you eat each meal.

4. It is best to eat frequent and small amounts of meals throughout the day instead of eating heavy meals three times a day. This will minimize dizziness and nausea during the first trimester.

5. If you have cravings, satisfy yourself with nutritious snacks. It is better to pack small amounts of healthy foods. It will help to avoid overeating. It is better to drink a cup of hot chocolate or have some mini chocolates with you if you are craving for something sweet. These are much better instead of eating the whole candy bar.

6. Do not forget to exercise even if you are pregnant. Make sure to consult your doctor on what types of exercises you can do. This will make you feel better with more energy throughout the day. It will also give you a reminder to eat healthy everyday.

7. Do not drink Soda. It is much better if you will avoid drinks that have high calorie content. It is best to stick in drinking water instead of artificial juices and other flavored drinks.

During pregnancy, you may feel hungry but in fact, you are just thirsty. Therefore, it is better to drink lots of water. The brains thirst and hunger centers usually are mixed up during pregnancy. If you are properly hydrated, there will be lesser chance that you will overeat.

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Abdominal Cramps During Early Pregnancy by Kitty Barker

It is not uncommon to have abdominal cramps during early pregnancy. Many women become frightened and fear that they may be having a miscarriage. This is normally not the reason for abdominal cramps during early pregnancy. The embryo is embedding itself in the lining of the uterus. This is what makes you feel cramps similar to those felt when you?re having your period. The cramps may last for several days and you may suffer the way you did when having a period on a normal basis. Please do not be afraid of those cramps as they are a normal part of the pregnancy.

Abdominal cramps during early pregnancy are a normal happening that all women experience. A more serious problem is when you are suffering lower abdominal pain. Then it is best that you consult your physician. It is not uncommon for many women to suffer the lower cramps which are referred to as sporadic abdominal discomfort. These sporadic abdominal cramps are similar to those pain felt during a normal period. It is a sign that your uterus is preparing to carry your baby through the next nine months. If you are suffering the pains with other symptoms then you will need to immediately contact your physician.

Women, who suffer from chills, fever, spotting along with abdominal cramps during early pregnancy maybe suffering from other more harmful conditions, when a fertilized egg attaches outside of a woman?s uterus then this condition is referred to as Ectopic Pregnancy. The egg usually will attach itself to the fallopian tube. Normally this condition is caught in the first few weeks and treated right away. If for some reason it does not get noticed and treated it could be very dangerous as the fallopian tube may result in rupture. The signs and symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy include spotting, abdominal pain and tenderness. These signs are accompanied with lower back pain, shoulder pain, dizziness or faintness. If you suspect an ectopic pregnancy please contact your physician right away.

Abdominal cramps during early pregnancy unfortunately can occasionally mean that you are about to have a miscarriage. Typically, the symptoms for a miscarriage are bleeding that might be light or heavy, menstrual cramps that gradually increase in intensity. Some women suffer from back pain.

If any of these symptoms arise please contact your physician immediately.

Remain calm because it does not necessarily mean that you are in the process of having a miscarriage as other things maybe going on that are lesser by nature. Some ladies suffer from lower back pain due to kidney stones, gallbladder disease or even pancreatitis. When you suffer from one of these diseases it is debilitating and in some cases warrants surgery. An abdominal cramp during early pregnancy usually happens to just about all women who are pregnant therefore please do not panic. It is always for the best to contact your physicians.

There is good news, however, women who have abdominal cramps during early pregnancy find it occurs from uterus stretching, from gas or even constipation. It is true that you might be suffering from round ligament pain which may result in short stabbing and sharp aches in one or both sides of the abdomen. This pain can be relieved very quickly simply by changing your position or simply just relaxing.

When you do feel abdominal cramps during your early pregnancy the best thing for you to do is set down, put your feet up, and relax. Normal abdominal pain may be caused by the simplest of things.

* Gas pains and bloating caused by hormones that slow your digestion process down.

* The pressure of your growing uterus.

* Constipation *note contact a doctor before taking any type of laxative.

* Heartburn caused by something that you ate that did not agree with you or the baby.

A lot of women do have abdominal cramps during early pregnancy which is normal as the embryo is embedding itself in the lining of the uterus. Cramping in the last weeks of the pregnancy is a sign that labor is almost ready to start. At the start of your labor you will have very strong cramps that are severe in nature and about five to ten minutes apart. This is time to contact your physician and go immediately to the hospital for the delivery. The early part of your pregnancy these cramps can be mild to severe so it is up to you to check with your physician and make sure that it is just the natural part of your pregnancy and not anything to worry about.

About The Author Kitty Barker who often writes for and with Pregnancy Information where there is far more information, news and resources. She also writes for Pregnancy Weight Gain If that link is inactive, you can paste this link into your browser -

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