
Sunday, July 10, 2011

Exercises That Target a Woman's Lower Body Trouble Spots

Want a sexy rear view? And while you're at it, legs that look great as they propel you through life? The lower body area trouble spots of a woman can prove to be extremely stubborn. Our legs, butt, hips, thighs, and tummy can be the toughest problem areas to fix. While men tend to gain weight in the stomach area, women tend to see fat cling to the thighs, hip, and buttocks. Also, this is the place where cellulite usually appears.

This is what makes getting a sexy lower body so difficult: you need to fight against the body's natural tendency.

This can be frustrating and embarrassing, but we have the power to do something about it without using the sweaty gym, painful weights, and dangerous machines. We can build lean muscle and burn calories.

The right combination of exercises will harmonize our muscles with each other and bring the results we want. This can happen without spending unrealistic amounts of time. To see these dramatic lower body improvements, you will combine three types of muscle contractions into your exercise routine. These bodyweight exercises are provided by Joey Atlas, who has been training women since the early 90's and has a BS degree in Exercise Physiology.

The three types of muscle contractions are:

Concentric--muscle shortens as it contracts. If you do concentric movement against resistance, muscles grow and become healthy. They will burn more energy and can speed up your metabolism. An example would be doing the up phase of a push-up.Eccentric--muscle lengthens as it contracts. Research has found that doing these types of exercises improves muscle strength and performance. The quadricep muscle undergoes this type of contraction when a person walks down steps or runs downhill.Isometric--muscle stays same length while contracting. These exercises develop static strength--the strength you need to push or pull a heavy object or hold it up. They are quick to do and don't hurt.

It is important to combine all three types of muscle movement to take care of our trouble spots. This can be effectively done with bodyweight exercises that don't use any machines. This allows us to complete the exercises anytime and anywhere. These exercises should be done in a specific way in regards to movement tempo, order of exercises and how they are grouped together. This type of resistance training has proven to be safe and effective.

So, with a few simple muscle resistance exercises and a little bit of time, you can turn those lower body trouble spots in to a lower body that is firm and toned--one that you will be proud of. Refer to this easy to use program now and enjoy the new you.

Heidi Savey is a busy mom of three and a teacher/coach. Heidi has a passion for women's health issues and staying fit. Check out to start the journey to a better you.

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