
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Candida, Thrush Infections - Understanding the Issues and Treating the Problem

Candida albicans is the scientific name for a type of Fungi which typically lives harmoniously in balance with our other external and internal flora necessary for our continued good health. In a healthy body the Candida albicans population is regulated by the symbiotic relationship between the extensive communities of different bacterial flora and does not pose a threat. However, Candida albicans is known as an opportunistic pathogen, that is to say, under normal circumstances the fungus will not show intrinsic pathogenic behaviour but, if the right conditions are met then the fungus will find itself propagating beyond the parameters of our healthy wellbeing and begin causing general or localised symptoms typical of a common yeast infection.

Factors contributing to a favourable environment inside the host in order for Candida to grow pathogenically and display hostile behaviour are many and varied depending on the person, but generally in a healthy individual the simplified explanation comes down to either stress on the immune system or a direct change in body chemistry resulting from psychological, physiological or dietary causes. Therefore, it is safe to say generally most yeast infections begin as the result of an internal imbalance.

Some typical causes of a yeast infection are:

Antibiotic useCorticosteroid useAnti-cancer drugsDiabetesHigh sugar dietOral Contraceptive drugs

There are two broad categories of Candida infection:

1. Systemic

This is where the infection becomes mobile inside the host causing a collection of debilitating and painful symptoms of sometimes seemingly unrelated origin. It is by far the more serious condition of the two, especially if the infection is chronic.

2. Localized

This is typified by skin irritations, eruptions and swelling of localized areas of skin sometimes associated with a discharge. Commonly affected areas are vagina, penis, groin, mouth or within any skin folds which provide warm moist conditions.

Treating systemic candidiasis, like many chronic conditions, can be difficult since there could be many factors contributing to the infection. This is precisely where we see the downfall of OTC or prescription medication. Pharmaceuticals will generally only focus on eliminating the symptoms without addressing the root of the problem especially when an internal condition such as systemic candidiasis has an external symptom, like a rash. The prescribed cream or lotion will nicely suppress the rash thus alleviating the discomfort but does nothing for the cause of the rash. So very often when pharmaceuticals are used to combat yeast or thrush infections we see the condition apparently appear to resolve itself only to relapse worse, a short time later, primarily because the root of the candidiasis was never addressed to begin with.

This type of scenario is very common and leaves many suffers in desperation, frustrated that they continue to have recurring infections. The reality is however, it may actually be the same infection all along which was never cured from the beginning!

Some quick actionable steps anyone can take immediately to help the body fight a candida infection would be firstly to avoid the (over)use of antibiotics or using them at all if possible, eliminating high-sugar foods from the diet and then looking for a diet plan which will assist the body in a path to recovery.

Much of the research into yeast and fungal infections in recent years all point toward adopting a well designed candida diet plan as the best and most successful way to holistically cure anyone suffering from candidiasis.

If you are at all unsure of the diagnosis of the symptoms you have it is always best to have them looked at by a professional first before you seek alternative therapy. Once you have clarity about what you're dealing with then you can find the holistic natural cure best for you.

At Candida Solutions our mission is to provide an informative educational resource. Our goal is to provide information so individuals can make informed choices and know what alternatives are available other than simply using pharmaceutical drugs. We provide an in depth look at Yeast Infections and how to cure them quickly and holistically using safe and natural ingredients.

For more information and in depth advice on this topic can be found at

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