
Tuesday, June 21, 2011

How To Announce A Pregnancy by Gen Mason - - Free ...

Learning you are pregnant is one of the most exciting times in a woman?s life. Not only is it a major milestone in the path of adulthood it is one of the most joyous experiences you will ever have.

Maybe you are so excited you can?t wait to throw open you windows and announce it to the world. Or are you the type that is so excited that you want to find a special way to announce it to those that you love the most.

Obviously you would want to share your joyous news to everyone and anyone who will listen. Maybe you want to share it in a special, unique way with your friends and family; a way that will completely surprise them all and have them in tears.

Ways to announce you?re pregnant

E cards

One of the simplest ways to announce your pregnancy is by e card. Hundreds of websites offer free e cards or some you can pay for.

Buy them a gift

Go to any store that sells small baby items. A dollar store is a good choice if you want to keep it low budget. Buy items like baby bibs, bottles, rattles, pacifiers, baby shoes, etc. Also you will need to buy small boxes for the items to fit in and gift wrapping paper. When you have time alone, place each item individually into a box and wrap them. Place a tag on each box for the person who will be receiving it. This can be done for your parents, his parents, your husband, sisters and brothers and so on.

You can even place a little note in each one saying, ?We?re having a baby!?

Imagine your family?s surprise when they open this gift!

Ultrasound, baby?s first picture

Not all doctors give an ultrasound when you first find out you?re pregnant. Some do, however and this is another cute way to make your happy announcement. After you have your 1st ultrasound have copies made for the number of people you want to share your announcement with. Copies can be made in color for picture quality at a number of drug stores that offer film development. Buy enough frames for every copy that you had made. Also buy gift wrap and boxes for each.

When you have alone time, frame each ultrasound and wrap them carefully (stuffing the box is best since it is a breakable). Place a tag on each box to the person you plan on giving it to.

This is especially great for Christmas time, etc. Your family will be so excited by your baby?s first picture!

Paper Cards

Another great idea (if you are able to find them) is give out father?s day and grandparent?s day cards. If you can find the cards, fill them out saying: ?Happy Father?s Day, etc. By the way, we are having a baby! ?This will hit them from left field, especially if it is done completely out of the blue. If you have a hard time finding these cards because stores only sell them around the holidays they are intended for, try looking on the internet.

Word Search

This can be time consuming, especially if you have a lot of people to tell, but it is adorable. You will need a computer, printer and some type of software you can type on. On your computer type out various letters in no particular order in 10 columns across the screen and 10 columns down. When you finish you should have 100 letters in the form of a box (just like word search in a newspaper). Somewhere in the jumble of letters (wherever you decide) take out enough of the letters to put ?We?re Pregnant? or ?We?re having a baby?.

Let your friends and family members have fun searching for the secret you have to tell!

Proud Daddy and Grandparents t shirts

Another cute idea is to buy baby t shirts for your family. The t shirts should reflect who will be receiving them.


proud daddy
#1 grandpa
#1 grandma
#1 aunt or uncle

Package them the same, with gift wrap etc. and then pass them out to your family and friends!

There are so many creative ways to share your joyous occasion with the people you love. Give people the gift of surprise with a creative pregnancy announcement!

View the original article here