
Saturday, July 2, 2011

Yeast Intolerance - The Valuable Information You Want To Know!

Did you know that 1 out of 3 individuals form an intolerance to yeast? Crazy amount isn't it? Although a great deal of people are still confused when asked what that means I believe this post will help you get a better understanding on the subject.

You've may have heard of the term lactose intolerance or food allergy but yeast intolerance is a different subject altogether. The lack of people's knowledge on this condition is not shocking considering the fact that intolerance to yeast can often times go unchecked and untreated.

Some say information is power so here are some of the basics when it comes to yeast intolerance.

Intolerance to Yeas Reasons

Yeast intolerance is usually due to how an individual maintains there diet and health. Here are a few of the known causes of yeast intolerance

• Bad Nutrition
• Weakened Immune System
• Taking Antibiotics

Foods you eat turn into the nourishment which candida uses to feed on and thrive A few of the main items that yeast feed on include foods with sugar, breads and fermented foods like cheese, alcohol and yogurt.

Someone who is in great health normally balances the level of candida in the system. Things like falling ill or stress can lead to a weakened immune system. When the immune system is in a weak state there isn't any protection against pathogens, which allows yeast to begin growing excessively.

On a similar note, bad nutrition can also make the immune system become inefficient. Without having the right kinds of nutrients the immune system can have difficulty disposing of the toxins made by the excessive yeast.

In some cases, certain types of medication can also cause yeast to grow out of control. Antibiotics can rid the body of beneficial bacteria which can help to keep the level of candida in our system in check.

Hormonal imbalances and stress are also a factor in excessive levels of yeast being produced.

Yeast Intolerance Symptoms

An intolerance to yeast causes a wide array of issues depending on the spot affected and how our body responds.

• Candida Infection
• Candida (Tummy and Intestines)
• Craving For Sugar
• Headaches
• Ulcers In The Mouth
• Gassy
• Furry Or Coated Tongue
• Diarrhea
• Bloating

Two Rules To Live By

1. Having a yeast intolerance doesn't have to be hard. Most symptoms are very easy to cure. Once you get in tune with your system and do the steps in reducing yeast it'll become like second nature.

2. Following a yeast free diet is only as good as how disciplined you are. It's difficult to resist desire for certain foods you once loved but the prize, of a better life, far surpasses the few modifications and sacrifices in diet.

Good luck and here's to a healthier tomorrow!

Erik Parsons is a top yeast free diet expert with years of experience changing individuals lives. To get more info on yeast intolerance and Erik's amazing "Eliminate Yeast From My Diet While Revitalzing and Rejuvenating In 7 Days or Less" FREE mini-course visit

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