
Sunday, July 3, 2011

Ovarian Cysts and Hysterectomy - Is It Actually Possible or Not?

Most ovarian cysts sufferers usually assume that getting ovarian cysts after having had a hysterectomy seem highly unlikely and yes of course, I can totally understand the reasoning. It is totally logical to think that the surgical removal of a woman's uterus will end this nightmare. Some women suffer from this "silent condition" for so many years that they decide to have their womb removed. It most probably represents for them a bit the end of a "long painful road". Or at least that's what it should represent.

However, the unfortunate reality is that developing ovarian cysts after a hysterectomy isn't a myth but a reality. So yes the answer is that it is actually possible despite what you may have heard from so many people before. I am not saying that a woman who has had a hysterectomy will necessarily get ovarian cysts but in a great number of cases, they do. However, you are not alone and indeed millions of women throughout the world have to face this major disappointment.

As each of you may already have noticed and experienced, ovarian cysts can be terribly uncomfortable to live with, sometimes terribly painful and in the most extreme cases they can lead to serious complications mainly if they get twisted or burst. Because of this combination of factors, unfortunately ovarian cysts can also have some effects on your personal, family and professional life. Have you ever asked yourself how it is possible to do whatever you have to do on a daily basis when you suffer both physically and emotionally. Well, this is exactly what these recurring lumps do to you.

So, to put it simply, yes ovarian cysts can develop even after a hysterectomy. To be perfectly honest, I must add that it is not very common but you still have to keep a look-out for signs and symptoms.

Now, this is it for the unpleasant news if I may say so and the actual focus of this article is to take a good in-depth look at how and why these nasty lumps can still grow after the operation.

Furthermore, why not look at the best and most effective solutions that are available in order to get rid of these nasty lumps for good but most importantly in order to finally prevent them from developing. Always bear in mind that prevention is king and this is something that most of us unfortunately tend to forget. We are all subconsciously more or less used to the "medicine culture" as I call it and this most possibly explains the development of some chronic ailments and even diseases that plague so many of us. This is of course my own personal thought on the matter but it is well-known and supported by the medical profession that the abuse of some medicine can actually make some conditions such as ovarian cysts or yeast infections worse than they originally were.

Now, first of all and in order to dispel some of the usual misunderstanding, I believe that it is wise to get a good grasp of the actual meaning of a hysterectomy.

So, what exactly is it?

Well, to put it simply, a hysterectomy is the surgical removal of a woman's uterus. This operation can be performed for many different reasons and more and more women tend to choose to have their womb removed once they are certain that they no longer want children. Some don't have any choice and must undergo the operation because of a medical condition.

What you must understand at this stage is that removing the uterus doesn't mean that the whole reproductive system is gone so to speak. If your ovaries and fallopian tubes are healthy, the surgeon is unlikely to remove them, which of course means that YES it is still possible for any woman to develop ovarian cysts after a hysterectomy.

The removal of the womb doesn't guarantee at all the end of the nightmare and I know that this is pretty harsh to believe but it is the truth.


A woman whose uterus has been removed will still go through the normal process that includes follicular growth as well as the release of an egg. I don't want to sound too scientific here but in short, the only benefit you get from having your uterus removed is that you will no longer have your monthly period. Of course, your womb may have been removed for other reasons but this is not the focus of this article.

Which are the types that are most likely to develop after a hysterectomy?

Well, as far as the types of cysts are concerned, there isn't much change and it is possible to develop any kind from a functional to a complex ovarian cyst. However, some research has shown that a woman who had a hysterectomy may be more prone to developing a complex cyst than any other form. There again; these are not formal results and have not yet been fully supported by scientific facts and figures so let's not rush into conclusion right away.

Ok, now what about the signs and symptoms of a post-hysterectomy ovarian cyst?

In this particular case again, the changes are very subtle and in most cases the symptoms are the same as the ones experienced by women who still have their uterus. The only exception being that since you will no longer be having your periods, you will not be able to tell if you are having menstrual irregularities. This is probably the only real change you may experience.

I suppose that you are already knowledgeable about common symptoms normally associated with ovarian cysts, which include pelvic and lower abdominal pain, mood swings, nausea and sometimes vomiting as well as possible weight gain. The list is not exhaustive and you will understand that each case is unique.

Now, as with any such pathology, should you feel something abnormal in relation to the pain such as a sudden sharp and throbbing pain, you are strongly advised to visit your nearby hospital in order to make sure the cyst hasn't become twisted or possibly ruptured.

Talking about cures and treatments....

As far as the cures or remedies given to treat ovarian cysts are concerned, the two main options remain the preferred methods that are still widely used by doctors these days. You will be given hormonal therapy if your case is deemed mild and if the pain and discomfort is affecting your daily life but if the cysts have grown really large and painful, you may be offered surgical removal of the lumps.

The effectiveness of these conventional remedies has proven very low since they only cover up the symptoms and fail to treat the root causes of the problem. This issue has already been discussed over and over again on many blogs, forums and it is now widely acknowledged that none of these two traditional cures have long-term effects.

This is why more and more women are now turning to alternative solutions in order to get rid of their cysts for good and the results have been quite staggering.

Not only are these remedies chemical-free but they tend to be a lot cheaper than the ones offered by your physicians. In most cases, they also provide some instant relief and the most amazing effect is that they have been shown to shrink the cysts and prevent them from growing back again within weeks. This is something that the usual drugs can't achieve.

These methods focus primarily on prevention rather than on finding a treatment, which makes complete sense and is beginning to be favoured by a great number of medical professionals too.

The subject of ovarian cysts and how to treat them is at last becoming something that the medical world is beginning to treat seriously. So many women are affected by this painful condition that more and more research is being done every year. More and more funds are allocated to this specific research branch and a large number of doctors now agree that curing ovarian cysts should be done naturally instead of through the usual traditional methods

If ovarian cysts are making your life miserable and you want to get rid of them then you must take action TODAY. There is a Free E-BOOK available for download that will teach you how more about Ovarian Cysts whatever the type and the size. Alternatively, you can also visit for more useful tips and information.

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