
Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Alleviating Pregnancy Back Pain by Sarah Thomas

Pregnancy back pain is so common that most women just assume that it is a normal part of pregnancy and don?t seek ways to alleviate their pain. While it is true that pregnancy back pain is common, in fact it affects around 50 percent of pregnant women, it is not true that nothing can be done to prevent or relieve the pain.

Obviously if you are pregnant and suffering with back pain, you do not want to take drugs or supplements to treat your pain since they could have an effect on your baby. Instead, it is best to find natural methods of reducing pregnancy back pain. These techniques might also come in handy as time goes on and your back is under the strain of lifting a baby or carrying a squirming 20 pound toddler.

First let?s take a look at what might be causing your pregnancy back pain:

-Carrying extra weight. Putting on extra weight and it being concentrated in the abdominal area can put a strain on your back.

-Shift in weight. Your spine bears the weight of your body and evenly distributes it to hold you upright. With the additional weight over your abdomen, it can throw off the spinal alignment causing back aches.

-Hormonal changes. Your skeleton undergoes changes during pregnancy too. In fact your pelvic bones and joints loosen up and soften in preparation for the birth of your baby. Your pelvic region becomes more pliant and therefore might create discomfort upon walking.

Tips to Alleviate Pregnancy Back Pain

Maintaining proper posture throughout your pregnancy will go a long way towards preventing pregnancy back pain. Under normal conditions, in order to protect your back and promote back health, you would maintain a straight back with shoulders parallel to the ground and level. When you are pregnant however, your center of gravity shifts and pulls your spine out of alignment.

Therefore, for as long as you are able, maintain good posture during the early months of pregnancy to strengthen your back muscles and provide proper support for your spine.

When your belly starts to grow, be careful not to adopt a posture that throws your shoulders too far back in an effort to counterbalance the weight around your abdomen.

In addition to maintaining good posture, you should also avoid standing for extended periods of time. Don?t cross your legs. Change your position often. When sitting, keep your feet slightly elevated.

When sleeping, it is best to sleep on your side. Sleep with a body pillow if you have one. Otherwise sleep with one pillow under your abdomen, and another pillow between your bended knees.

View the original article here